Dental implantology is by far the most advanced method of replacing missing teeth. Dental implant uses a small “post”, usually titanium, which fully integrates with the bone of the mandible. It acts as a fixture for attaching the artificial tooth at later stages of the procedure. In principle, it is very similar to a normal root, and while there is no ideal means of recreating the functionality of missing own teeth, dental implants remain closest to the ideal solution.
The surgical procedure of implant placement is conducted under local anesthesia, in a number of stages. Prior to surgery, detailed medical history is taken alongside extensive dental consultation, this also includes detailed description of the entire procedure.
Zabieg zakładania implantów wykonywany jest w znieczuleniu miejscowym i przebiega kilkuetapowo. Poprzedzony jest dokładnym wywiadem lekarskim oraz konsultacją stomatologiczną wraz z omówieniem dokładnego przebiegu leczenia.
Our dental implant treatment offer includes:
- free consultation regarding dental implants
- dental implant placement
- bone regeneration treatment
- a modern tioLogic implant system
Durability is undoubtedly the biggest advantage of dental implants. They are stable, resistant to dental caries and prevent jawbone loss. Implants also look very natural, which is what all patients expect. Prostheses mounted on implants are nearly identical to natural teeth, both in terms of appearance and comfort of use. Cleaning is also much more comfortable than in the case of removable dentures, which definitely improves the patient’s quality of life.
Dental implants don’t affect chewing and speaking. You also don’t have to be concerned that someone will notice you have prostheses, because crowns mounted on implants look very natural.
It is crucial that dental implants can be used to replace a single missing tooth or several teeth, with the use of bridges and prostheses. Therefore they are a perfect solution in the case of bigger gaps. Thanks to dental implants all patients can now have a healthy, beautiful smile. A professionally inserted implant is a durable, satisfying solution.