Dental surgery is a branch of medicine devoted to the surgical treatment of the oral cavity, with scope far beyond tooth extraction. This specialty encompasses number of surgical procedures, including supporting treatments for dentistry, such as endodontics, periodontology, prosthetics, and, in recent years, implantology.
All the treatment is done in house, unless admission to hospital is required. Prior to all treatment specialist diagnostics and consultation is conducted. All our treatment is comfortable and absolutely pain-free thanks to local anaesthesia.
We offer the following range of medical procedures:
- tooth extraction, includes impacted teeth and wisdom teeth
- root apex resection
- surgical treatment of cysts
- tooth replantation and transplantation
- surgical preparation of the oral cavity for prosthetic treatment
- surgical treatment of paradontium diseases
- treatment of odontogenic purulent inflammation of soft tissues
- treatment of odontogenic inflammation of the maxillary sinus
- surgical treatment of oro-antral fistulas
- surgical treatment of supragingival tumors and proliferative changes in the oral cavity
- supportive treatment for orthodontic treatment (lower lip frenectomy, denudation of impacted teeth)
- treatment of salivary gland diseases (inflammation, abscess, calculosis)
- maxillary joint treatment
- neuralgic pain treatment
- preventative treatment of mandibular fractures
- hemisection (cutting off half of the tooth)
- radectomy (cutting off of one root)
Dental surgery includes treatment of not only teeth and gums, but also the oral cavity and bone tissue of the jaw. Nowadays, with more advanced methods and instruments it is possible to treat even the most complicated tooth diseases.
One of the main procedures of dental surgery is extraction of teeth or their parts, especially wisdom teeth which can cause pain or bite problems. However, in our dental practice you will find a much wider offer of surgical procedures. These include treatment of salivary gland diseases, cysts, as well as removal of tumours in the oral cavity. Our maxillofacial surgeon can also take care of mandibular fractures and jawbone diseases. Dental surgery services thus supplement preventative treatment and prosthetic dentistry.